Podcast, Ep. 122: Brothels Are Healing, Palms is Sold and Las Vegas is Back
It’s an especially saucy edition of the Vital Vegas podcast, so lube up, gird your loins and strap on your earbuds.
We start with all the latest on the as-yet-unannounced sale of Palms casino to the San Manuel tribe. Yes, we’re the only one reporting this story to-date, which makes the scoop, and us, even cooler.
This is going to shake things up real good.
As of May 1, 2021, Nevada brothels are open again, so we went to a legal brothel icon for what’s going down.
We chat with none other than Air Force Amy, of “Cat House” fame, about how sex workers have navigated the pandemic and the closure of brothels for more than a year.
Air Force Amy shares insights about what customers can expect now that brothels have opened again, as well as her experiences at the famous Bunny Ranch (and just about every other brothel in Nevada).
Here’s brothel legend Air Force Amy on Casual Friday.
Naturally, we’ve got a butt-ton of updates about pandemic restrictions being lifted (Las Vegas capacities are up to 80%), what’s opening again (nightclubs, dayclubs and strip clubs, sorry, still no lap dances) and more.
Of course, we’ll dive into the recent spate of million-dollar-plus jackpots around Las Vegas. The biggest was a $10.5 million beauty at South Point which should’ve been ours, but we’re not even slightly bitter.
Of course, amidst all the good news, there’s still a lot that annoys us, so we share our “Top 11 Annoying Things in Las Vegas Right Now.” Highlights: Broken escalators (only 11 of 60 are working on The Strip right now), rideshare and rental car problems, the $1,200 taxable threshold and, of course, masks.
“Grrr” just about covers it.
Get ready for a wild ride as we fill your head, heart and moist regions with so much Vegas, you’ll probably spill a little when you run over speed bumps.
Take a listen, and we’re so sorry.